Sunday, 14 July 2013

Summer Nails Tutorial! Fruits Salad Nails

Since it's winter here in Sydney, I'm craving for a summer heat! So I thought of a very cute summer nails style that can hopefully bring some of that tropical warmth to you girls <3

This is the final product! (I'm still wearing my nails arts from last week so I had to use this fake nail for demo! >.<)


What you need:

- A summer nail polish of your choice!

- Base & top coats

- Fimo clay fruits canes (these can bought from eBay, even pre-cut so you don't have to go through the hassle I did ;))

- Some pearl to decorate your nails afterwards...this is optional but once again, can be obtained from eBay at low price too

- And a pair of tweezers!!

Optional: toothpick






Step 1: French nails

Start with basic French nails style.

Here I use Sally Hansen, the colour is 672 Jaded.



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Step 2:

- Use your tweezers to pick a piece of fruit fimo you like.

- Here I chose Orange :)











 Step 3: Place fimo on nail polish

-> Important!!!

- Make sure your polish is still tacky/ wet

- Before you place the fimo on it is best to put a top coat on to enhance the stickiness of the surface!

- Press it down gently

- If you wish to improve stickiness of the next fimo then put a small touch of top coat on top of the fimo.





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I chose watermelon next.

With a top coat on the orange, the melon sticks easier.












Continue with apple...














Then with kiwi....













Press them all down.

















Step 4: Top coat

- Now 1 final top coat :)















Step 5 (Optional) Extra Decoration

I bought some small golden pearls.

- Use a toothpick

- Make sure the tip of the toothpick is MOIST.

- Put the toothpick close to the pearl, it will adhere naturally. Don't be too harsh and poke the pile or you'll end up with 10 pearls on the toothpick...







Once the pearl meets a 'wetter' surface it will adhere to such. So it will 'jump' to the nail surface without effort.


Drop the pearls where you desire and you're DONE!















I hope you guys enjoy the tutorial!


Monday, 8 July 2013

Knuckle Rings

Hi lovelies!

Recently I've discovered a cute trend of wearing cute little knuckle rings :D at first I was a bit unsure since it feels a bit weird wearing these and makes you feel like your fingers are divided into sections...haha

But in the end I am absolutely loving them! They sure highlight your fingers a great deal xD

I first saw them on Instagram from an online shop..but they were quite pricey. Luckily I found a store in Sydney that sells these at a bit lower price. A week later (after I bought a few of them), I came back and they have none left in stock o.O I guess I was lucky!

Knuckle rings will look best with thin band, simple designs and compliment the normal rings you're wearing :)

Here's the show! let me know if you have any questions! <3<3<3

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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Romantic Lace Nails Tutorial

Are you looking for some romantic lacey nails? Tired of buying lace stickers to use on your nails and watching the corners being peeled off or covered in ugly brown dirt?

Then maybe you should my latest nails design ;)

This is the final outcome!


20130707_123224You will need 2 colours for this design. I used a berry colour and white.
Products used:

- Sally Hansen in Berry Important

- Sally Hansen in White

- Base coast and top coat both from Sally Hansen (YES I know, recently I fell in love with their amazing new line, the colours were so pretty and shiny without the need of even top coat T___T how can I resist!!)

- 1 small brush (you can substitute with a small tooth pick)

And you're all set t go!





Step 1: Paint your nails with the colour(s) you want :D



























Step 2: 1st curve














Step 3: Small dots underneath the curves














Step 4: Adding bigger dots














Step 5: 2nd curve














Step 6: Adding small dots underneath 2nd curves














And that's done!! Follow by a top coat!



The reason I leave my ring fingernails in white is just so that I can make it more...interesting and different! Haha You can just draw anything you like, bow or heart for example. I chose lace again...

And this nail took me the longest amongst all! >"< But all worth it now <3








Snap shot of the tools I use...












The fake nail was for testing haha!

Hope you found this tutorial useful <3<3 and hope you're successful!

P.S drawing on the right hand's nails was a pain since I'm a right handed...haha..but I managed!

Happy Sunday everyone!!
