Monday 8 July 2013

Knuckle Rings

Hi lovelies!

Recently I've discovered a cute trend of wearing cute little knuckle rings :D at first I was a bit unsure since it feels a bit weird wearing these and makes you feel like your fingers are divided into sections...haha

But in the end I am absolutely loving them! They sure highlight your fingers a great deal xD

I first saw them on Instagram from an online shop..but they were quite pricey. Luckily I found a store in Sydney that sells these at a bit lower price. A week later (after I bought a few of them), I came back and they have none left in stock o.O I guess I was lucky!

Knuckle rings will look best with thin band, simple designs and compliment the normal rings you're wearing :)

Here's the show! let me know if you have any questions! <3<3<3

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